Nigeria's Democracy by OGUNDAIRO Omolara Esther
In the succession of time arose a situation that hits the earth like an American time bomb. A parasite that eats the plank till it begins to beg for death. A land flowing with Milk and Honey, the giant of the giants, as tall as you can ever imagine creeps into the darkest phase of life.
According to Pennock,1997, democracy is the government by the people where liberty, equality and fraternity are secured to the greatest possible degree and in which human capacities is developed to the utmost, by means including free and full discussion of common problems and interest. This definition may apply to other countries practising same democracy but not to my dear Nigeria.
Nigeria's democracy is a subterfuge of a smothering nation, a camouflage of deception and oppression portrayed by the guerrillas taking the role of the government. A kind of government that delights in the slaughtering of souls without hesitation to enlarge their dungeons. A democracy in which the unserious second generation heirs flagrantly lavish the national cake with exorbitant lifestyle. Are we talking about the democracy that fill up the pockets of the sleepy heads at the National Assembly to the detriment of the populace?
I'll rather rescribe pennock’s definition of democracy to ‘goverment by the bourgeoisie where corruption, nepotism, injustice and oppression are secured to the greatest possible degree and in which human capacities are suppressed to the utmost, by means including starvation and adjournment of common problems and interest.
Indeed Nigeria's democracy is that device that has been craftily used to suffocate the people. It has been a deception of the actual and real personality of our leaders. Insecurity, killings, raping, bribery has eaten Nigeria down to the marrow. May God arise and restore this country.
Thank you!
©OGUNDAIRO Omolara Esther