Africanism In The Shadows Of Occidentalism by JESUFEMI Oluwatimilehin.
Africa as a continent is facing lots of challenges ranging from ideological nondevelopment, political and economic instability among others. These problems have been and are being addressed consciously by Africans and there have been recorded success. This paper shall be limited to education, politics and religion. Africa is one of the seven continents of the world, dominated by the Negroid race. The people therein are rich in cultural and natural values. These values are imbibed in the people's dressing, art, literature, languages, traditional institutions and lots more. According to the United Nations, Africa consists of 54 countries, divided into five regions: North, South, East, West and Central. The contact with the Europeans in the 19th century marked a new beginning for a modern history for Africa. Several things took turn to happen and these shape the history of Africa forevermore. The legacies of the Europeans are still obvious in Africa and the fragrance is still there...